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Date   : Sat, 05 Oct 2002 15:55:39 +0100
From   : "Richard Gellman" <splodge@...>
Subject: Re: "Pentium 4 too powerful for BEEB Em"

>"Pentium 4 too powerful for BEEB Em", that's what my I.T. department said
when I asked them to try to find out why BEEB Em was running so slow on a
modern >
>Dell computer.
>It's using Windows 98, and is + 1GHz. The whole thing is slow, just running
the mouse pointer over the menu bar is sluggish. I tried turning off direct
draw >- no luck - I tried running in a tiny window - no luck. I once had it
running perfectly (after adjusting the interface settings and screen
settings) - saved >my preferences, all pleased - when I came back to it - no
luck, and not much luck recreating the effect.
>Any ideas anyone?

Its not too powerful, its that my multithreading code sucks :)

I have the "Golden" version on my hard disk here (v1.41, without serial port
support, ergo no multithreading code), which runs at full speed on my Athlon
1800. I will be putting up on the site as soon as I get things sorted out.
In the mean time, those who are desperate for it, can drop me an email, and
I'll email a copy over to them. Please dont flood my emailbox though :)

-- Richard

Note: There are no changes in the "golden version" - so please, only ask for
it if you're having speed issues.

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