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Date   : Wed, 24 Jul 2002 22:02:36 +0000
From   : "W.Scholten" <wouter.scholten@...>
Subject: Re: solidisk dfdc

Andrew Benham wrote:

> >From what I recall, the DFDC board assumed that one already had the
> 8271 disk upgrade fitted.

No, the solidisk ads mention separate use too (not sure if this is for
v1 or v2 board or both). I got this board without 8271, so I assume
that's also how it was used.

> ----
> The Mark 1 DFDC board has 3 x 74LS157 and 1 x 74LS374.
> The Mark 2 DFDC board (which has the 1770 at the same addresses as the
> model B with 1770 DFS) has 3 x 74LS157, 1 x 74LS374, and 1 x 74LS136.

Thanks, I see I have the v1 board. It was not possible to make that out
from the soli ads, which used pictures of both variants almost randomly
(v1 board in 1987 ads for example).

Btw, you mean 74LS174 for the V2 board instead of 74LS374? (the images
I've seen do not have a 74LS374 which has more pins)

What I'd also like to know, which solidisk DFS versions are for the V1
and which for the V2 boards? Some of the later solidisk DFS versions
were made for both boards I think (from what I can make out from the
ads; the roms on TBL don't have a text file saying what works for what

Julian Stenning wrote:

> my dfdc is marked 'Issue 2 (c) 1985' and has  from left to right:
> 74LS174 74LS136 74LS157 x 3
> above the 1770 and 8271.
> It has one single wire connecting the 18th pin on the 1770 to the 1st pin of
> IC86.

> I'm sure I have the instructions somewhere, but I can't find them right now.

If you do, could you scan them?

David Hookham wrote:

> It may be worth contacting Solinet (http://www.solinet.org.uk/) which
> sprang up in order to support users of Solidisk products.

Except that I'm not going to send 80T floppies to the UK (with UK cash!
the total cost would be huge) and wait weeks for an answer! I see they
have a CD, but only of the era 1995-2000. I'd rather have the archives &
circuit diagrams etc. from ca. 1986-1987. Has anyone used this, and/or
has original 1984-1986 disks from solidisk/solinet ? I'm still looking
for those to put on the web.

And can someone provide me with say 1GB space on a web server? (for
scans mostly). Traffic will probably be low. 



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