Date : Thu, 11 Jul 2002 22:05:14 +1200 (NZST)
From : Michael Foot <mjfoot@...>
Subject: Re: Master ET
Quoting Sprow <news@...>:
> In article <6e554a544b%mjfoot@...>,
> Michael Foot <mjfoot@...> wrote:
> > I picked up a couple of Master ET machines recently. Since they have
> > 4.00 in them, which is not available on the web, I would like to try
> and
> > dump this if possible. Is there a program available that will dump a
> > Master OS completely? I've tried reading the memory from &C000-&FFFF
> but
> > cannot get a file that looks right.
> Simply
> *SAVE mainos C000 +4000
> though the names hidden behind fred/jim/sheila wont be accessable unless
> you
> take the chip out and read it manually.
OK, I'll try this again. There should not be any code hidden in &FC00-&FE00
hopefully. I tried setting bit 6 of ACCCON so I could read this area of
the ROM
but it locked the machine up.
> Then the remaining 3 images are all sideways and there are plenty of
> programs about to save those - you should end up with a 64k image.
Slot F has MOS 4.00, E has ANFS 4.25 and D has BASIC 4.00. Are these the 3 you
mean? Having MOS in slot F is strange and the saved contents are different
what I got from reading &C000 + &4000.
> > Secondly, there were 4 of these machines available and I got 2 of
> them. I
> > know they are fairly rare so does anyone think it is worth me getting
> the
> > other 2? Are they rare because no one bought them, or rare because
> they
> > are not worth collecting?
> More because not many were made I think.The OS ROM in mine is just an
> with a hand written label - they obviously didn't think it was worth
> doing a
> mask,
Yes, mine are the same. In fact the inside of the machine looks like someone
has taken half of it for parts. :)
Michael Foot <mjfoot(at)paradise(dot)net(dot)nz> *
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