Date : Thu, 04 Jul 2002 08:50:24 +0100
From : Daniel Luton <DLuton@...>
Subject: Re: BBC DFS disc imaging software for Arc
Now, if only my Arc had a 5.25" disc-drive...
Nice one Michael, I may give it a try if I get the chance. Time to brush
the dust off again!
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael McConnell [mailto:soruk@...]
Sent: 03 July 2002 21:31
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] BBC DFS disc imaging software for Arc
Hi there.
Since the only program I could find for disc imaging DFS discs was a rather
cryptic thing for the PC, I tried my hand at doing something for the Arc.
The result is a patched version of Jason O'Broin's DFSReader program he
in 1988, which I've added a routine to read the surface of a DFS disc
(assuming you have a suitable drive handy) for use in an emulator, that
understands .ssd disc image files.
For those not of a nervous disposition, it's at:
Download it to your Arc and set its filetype to &FFB.
Bear in mind I haven't tested it much - I don't have an Arc to hand and I
wrote (and attempted to test) it on a Sony Vaio running Arcem. Anyone who
test this in earnest please do, and let me know if the patch works :)
I have no contact information for the author of this program. If he feels
this is a breach of his copyright he need only ask me to take it down and
I will.
-- Michael "Soruk" McConnell [Eridani Linux 6.3 Now!]
Eridani Linux -- The Most Up-to-Date Red Hat-based Linux CDROMs Available
Email: linux@... Fax: +44-8701-600807
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