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Date   : Fri, 21 Jun 2002 11:04:18 +0100
From   : "Dawn and Austin" <dawnandoz@...>
Subject: Re: Technomatic EEprom Programmer


I've had a quick search around the net (as I'm sure you have) regarding
the specific Technomatic EEPROM programmer you require. ebay.co.uk is
often a good resource for BBC bits and pieces though I suspect an EEPROM
programmer may be hard to find there being a relatively specialist and
rare item.

An alternative, should you want to consider it, is building one
yourself. Angus Duggan has designed and built one and kindly shared said
design with everyone. You can download it (complete with software) from
ftp://ftp.tardis.ed.ac.uk/users/ajcd/BBC/eprog.zip or

You could of course try such mines of BBC related info. as 8bs.com or
The Stairway to Hell, though I rather suspect you already have.

Good luck with the search, anyway.

Austin Pass.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Darren Logan 
  To: 'bbc-micro@...' 
  Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 8:30 AM
  Subject: [BBC-Micro] Technomatic EEprom Programmer

  Dear all,

  This is my 1st post !

  I am looking for a BBC B EEprom Programmer from a company called

  If anyone knows of any for sale PLEASE let me know.

  Kind regards, 
  Darren Logan BSc(Hons) 
  Development Engineer 
  Michell Instruments Ltd   tel: +44(0)1223 434 854 
  Nuffield Close                fax: +44(0)1223 434 895 
  Cambridge                    www.michell-instruments.com 
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