Date : Thu, 16 May 2002 21:09:58 +1200
From : Michael Foot <mjfoot@...>
Subject: Re: ADFS recover utiltiy
In message <OE66HFE8Pvs51YoDK7n0000ff68@...> you wrote:
> I guess I should have asked about this in the 1st place, I have again
looked on the 8bit & T.B.L. websites but could not find anything to do the job.
> Is there an ADFS utitlity that anyone knows about to scan the file structure
of an ADFS disk to fix the FS & recover lost DIR/files like the DOS CHKDISK
program does ?
There are a couple for RISC OS, if you have access to a machine. There's
FSCK and DiscKnight. The free version of FSCK will fix floppies and small
hard discs and the free version of DiscKnight will analyse a disc and tell
if what can be recovered. Both will do full recoveries if you register them.
If it's a floppy and you're really stuck, ZIP up a disc image and send
it to me. I can run DiscKnight over it and let you know what it finds.
Michael Foot <mjfoot(at)paradise(dot)net(dot)nz> *
* Replace letters between () with @ and . when replying