Date : Tue, 14 May 2002 20:26:16 +0100
From : Thomas Harte <thomasharte@...>
Subject: Re: ADFS Layout
> Does anyone know where can find inforamtion on the
> layout of a ADFS filing system I.E. how a DIR is structured on the disk
> etc.
> I have looked on the "BBC Lives" website but could
> not find any information.
I've seen the other posts on this thread, and must say that I found all
the information on
the ADFS free space map & directory structure somewhere on the 'net, most
probably at
either TBL! or the doc project, in a zip file named 'ADFSINFO' which is
less than 16kb in
size. It appears to have been cut from the end of a manual for one ADFS
or another, but never mind that.
Since I don't have the faintest recollection where it may already be found,
temporarily uploaded it to my web space - you can get it at - but I really want to emphasise,
it wasn't
me who OCR'd or retyped it, and I'm not really sure who it was. And I'll
remove it in a
week or so, so hurry!
If anyone knows where this file is from, could they refresh my memory?
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