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Date   : Tue, 07 May 2002 10:06:37 +0100
From   : "sean wood" <seanw@...>
Subject: Re: Found my old beeb

<<Is there a checklist for getting old machines to power up anywhere.>>

Try http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/bbc/ or http://www.8bs.com/ for help with
Failing that I have the number of an "Acorn Repair Specialist" - email
me directly and I'll send it by return.

<<Is it possible to get hold Music 500 from anywhere? Do they come up on
ebay at all?>>

I've seen a couple show up on ebay in the last couple of months.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nige [mailto:nigel.scott@...]
Sent: 07 May 2002 08:50
To: BBC list
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Found my old beeb

Well - I got it. Good news, is my collection of about 150 discs is
there, but my music 500 and demon modem are missing. Also, the bbc
doesn't power up. It just continousely emits the low tone.
Is there a checklist for getting old machines to power up anywhere. I
haven't cleaned the board or anything yet, so not all hope is lost...
Is it possible to get hold Music 500 from anywhere? Do they come up on
ebay at all?

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