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Date   : Mon, 29 Apr 2002 20:30:43 +0100 (BST)
From   : Ian Rawlings <ianr@...>
Subject: Re: Broken message headers on this mailing list 

On 29 Apr 2002, Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:

> There is no Reply-To header, and the From header lists the author, viz:
> From: "Mark de Weger" <mark@...>

Mildly annoying but not a major issue, I just CC messages to "bbc", alias
I have set up.

> Also, the To: header does not specify the recipient.  My mail server
> is about to move to a system of silently destroying all emails that do
> not specify the actual recipent in the To: header, as they look like
> spam.

No, they look like mailing list messages.  Your spam filters are lazy and
broken.  I would suggest you use a different mail provider.

> You may comment that I should use a different mail provideder.  NO!


> I *WANT* messages that look as though they are spam to be destroyed.
> It is the responsibility of responsible message generators that are
> not spam to ensure they do not look like spam.

That's not possible, anything passing via the email system looks like spam
to a sufficiently duff filtering system.  I have spam that has a valid
from: and a to: that has my address in it.

Seriously, filtering on "To:" fields is duff.  Similarly, doing domain
lookups on From: fields and even the Sender: field is also completely
duff.  If your ISP subscribed to the antispamming services available to
ISPs (such as the RBL and MAPS) then they'd get on a lot better but
they're obviously too cheap for that.

> As I've already mentioned, the To: header should have my email address
> in it, otherwise it is defined as being spam.

Tosh.  Sorry, but that is total tosh.  These messages are not spam and yet
don't have your name in the To: field, in fact every mailing list I'm on
does not have my name in the To: field and yet they too are not spam.  As
for the spam I have, that *does* have my name in the To: field.

What is broken here is your perception of how to filter spam.

For every expert, there is an equal but opposite expert.

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