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Date   : Wed, 17 Apr 2002 10:09:21 +0100 (BST)
From   : Ian Rawlings <ianr@...>
Subject: Wanted:  Econetted BBC B and/or Master 128

Hello all, due to repeated time-wasters I'm still looking for econetted
BBC computers.  So far I've had no less than three people offer to sell me
some but then to go quiet either just before or just after the point at
which I send them money.  I have yet to receive any actual computers.  The
last chap I dealt with seems to have tried but the computers got lost as
he sent them unregistered for some reason.

So does anyone out there have any computers that they really do want to
sell?  I've been trying to get some since September but am not having a
lot of luck!  I want two machines at least, a BBC 'B' and a Master, both
econetted.  My preference is for the B.

If anyone can help please do let me know on this address.

For every expert, there is an equal but opposite expert.

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