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Date   : Sat, 30 Mar 2002 23:52:25 +0100
From   : "Isabel Cisternas & Robert Schmidt" <rschmidt@...>
Subject: Re: 4th Dimension's UIM

Hi John,

I'm unable to help, but I've sent a CC to the BBC micro mailing list, so
hopefully somebody there can be of assistance.  If you're not a subscriber
yet, check out http://bbc.nvg.org/netresource.php3#mail.

Guys, please make sure you e-mail John directly if you reply to this!

Good luck,

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: John Langford
  To: rsc@...
  Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 2:06 PM
  Subject: 4th Dimension's UIM

  Hi Robert,

  Your site (and Stairway to Hell) has peaked my interest in the old games I
used to play on the trusty old BBC.

  Specifically I've got my teeth into UIM again. Thankfully you have the
manual scanned and available on your site, but I recall there were a few
errors in the document. I've worked my way around a couple but am still
having problems with one in particular.

  I realise this may not mean much to you as you may not have knowledge of
all games in your memory! However, is there anyway of finding out the
correct key or key combination to make an element of the game run.
Specifically, I'm trying to get the "re-entry module" to work. The manual
(Page 14) says you have to have the central computer and the re-entry module
fitted and that it can be activated and de-activated by Shift/F4.....but it
doesn't seem to work. I dimly remember that this was the case when I played
it on the Beeb many years ago but unfortunately I can't now remember what
the correct keys are.

  I have endeavoured to find the info elsewhere but to no avail. I hope you
can help or know somebody who might.



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