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Date   : Tue, 19 Mar 2002 21:20:58 -0000
From   : "Richard Gellman" <r.gellman@...>
Subject: Someone has gotta be bulsh***ing me

>I just tried the new version of Beebem, and on my machine (Athlon 1.4ghz
>with 128mb RAM), it's far too slow to be usable. By messing about with the
>video options, I get 10fps max, with nothing else running in the
>Am I doing something wrong or is it meant to be this slow?

Come on now!

I got 40fps on V1.4 out of a Celeron 366.
I refuse to believe that the modified version cant manage 10fps on a 1.4Ghz
Either there is something seriously wrong with people's PCs or people are
making stuff up.
Its ridiculous to suggest 10fps max on something almost 4 times faster than
a machine that can manage 40fps.

Just so everyone else can compare...
We are talking about emulating
2 million cycles
50 307K buffer swaps
400 Directsound writes
4 16-bit counter updates

per second.

Hell, even without DirectX I can't understand how you would only get 10fps
out of a 1.4Ghz processor!

1.4Ghz = 700 times faster than a BBC Micro! wtf is going with ur systems?

Its not like I've added enormously time-consuming devices to BeebEm since

Something is wrong with these reports, and I now refuse to believe them.

</unfortunate rant>

-- Richard Gellman

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