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Date   : Tue, 12 Mar 2002 15:20:33 +0000
From   : John Woodgate <jmw@...>
Subject: Re: Dead Beeb?

I read in !bbc-micro that Tim Matthews <tim.matthews@...> wrote
(in <656243A978BAD1119F6B00805FF5E56D09D93F42@...
k>) about '[BBC-Micro] Dead Beeb?', on Tue, 12 Mar 2002:
>Just got my hands on an old model B, turned it on last night and all it does
>it emit a constant tone and the screen flashes black and white. I've had a
>look inside, but haven't really got a clue what I'm looking for to be
>honest. There's only 2 roms in the slots on the right hand side - labelled
>something like 8343 and 8403 (sorry - I wrote the numbers down, but forgot
>to bring them in!). Is there one missing?

Those are just the date codes. There should be other numbers. The one
you really must have (and probably haven't, because its absence causes
the continuous tone) is the OS ROM, and it MUST be in the extreme left-
hand one of the four ROM sockets. It should have the copyright sign and
'Acorn' on it, and perhaps 'OS 1.2'.
>Can we rebuild him, or is it dead?

Possibly, if you have or can get an OS ROM and a BASIC ROM.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk 
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