Date : Tue, 05 Mar 2002 17:53:06 -0000
From : Tim Matthews <tim.matthews@...>
Subject: Re: Umm, dead Beeb?
The fact that they are mortal is a little bit sad...
I might have a spare one, if (in the unlikely event of) you have trouble
sourcing one from elsewhere.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris [mailto:write@...]
> Sent: 05 March 2002 16:51
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Umm, dead Beeb?
> At 16:16 05/03/2002 +0000, Tim Matthews wrote:
> >An extremely long shot, but mine did a similar thing ages
> ago - tried
> >everything but to no avail. Eventually a noticed that a tiny dried
> >petal - 3 or 4mm long - had got inside and was resting
> across 2 pins of
> >an IC. I blew it away, turned it back and bingo - Beeb was back to
> >life.
> >
> >But like I say - it's a long shot...
> Tried blowing, shaking, re-seating the ROMS, tapping,
> pressing and all the
> normal techie tricks.
> Given that it managed to die when I wasn't even touching the
> thing makes me
> suspect it's terminal ... I'm planning to hunt for a
> replacement from ebay
> or sprow ..
> Ah well, it managed a good few years ...
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