Date : Fri, 01 Mar 2002 21:49:22 -0000
From : "Chris Thornley" <C.J.Thornley@...>
Subject: Re: BBC Domesday on the telly
Does anyone know where I could get hold of a Domesday "laser disk" or
are these very rare?
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-bbc-micro@... []
On Behalf Of Pete Turnbull
Sent: 01 March 2002 21:57
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] BBC Domesday on the telly
On Mar 1, 11:48, Dave Gorst wrote:
> It has a SCSI interface?! Still I would have thought the speed of the
> was more likely to be a bottleneck than the speed of the controlling
> interface? Does anybody remember much of what was actually on these
> as in stills, video etc., as I was all of about 9 at the time?
There are a lot of single frames intended for use as stills, some short
videoclips, and a *lot* of data. There's a huge amount of Ordnance
Survey mapping data on the disks, for example. The data is read using
the SCSI bus, and that's also used to control the player when displaying
stills and video. IIRC three of the sides are CAV and one is CLV (or
maybe I have that back to front?) and three sides are data/stills with
some clips, the fourth is all video. I still have my disks but sadly no
Master AV nor the laserdisc player.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York