Date : Mon, 25 Feb 2002 15:23:12 +0100
From : c.j.thornley@...
Subject: Re: Circuits involving a SAA5050?
Do you have any datasheets for this device.
I have seen some circuitrts fors older device involving connections to
a casste recorder which produces BBC CANSUS CITY compatible tape output.
i'm presuming that this device is either parrelle or rs232
> From: "Kris Adcock" <krisa@...>
> Date: Mon 25/Feb/2002 12:59 CET
> To: <bbc-micro@...>
> Subject: [BBC-Micro] Circuits involving a SAA5050?
> Greetings earthlings,
> For several years now I've been maintaining a RiscPC system with a teletext
> decoder card in it. The card is being used to produce an 80x25 screen of
> text as a composite video signal. Now, I need to replace this card, mostly
> because the card has a TV tuner in it, and the property where the computer
> is based does not have a TV licence. So, I'm looking to build my own
> 'serverely simplified' version of the card. Using an SAA5050 chip seems to
> be an obvious choice, so I was wondering if anyone on this mailing list has
> any experience using this chip, or has built anything similar. I'm pretty
> good at taking existing circuit diagrams and butchering them to my own evil
> ends, but not so hot on starting from scratch.
> TIA,
> Kris.
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