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Date   : Mon, 25 Feb 2002 14:30:30 -0000
From   : "Kris Adcock" <krisa@...>
Subject: Re: Circuits involving a SAA5050?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael McConnell [mailto:soruk@...]
> Sent: 25 February 2002 14:30
> To: Kris Adcock
> Cc: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Circuits involving a SAA5050?
> On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Kris Adcock wrote:
> > Greetings earthlings,
> >
> > For several years now I've been maintaining a RiscPC system
> with a teletext
> > decoder card in it. The card is being used to produce an
> 80x25 screen of
> > text as a composite video signal. Now, I need to replace
> this card, mostly
> > because the card has a TV tuner in it, and the property
> where the computer
> > is based does not have a TV licence.
> It's not illegal to have a TV tuner in premises where there
> is no licence,
> it's only illegal to use it to receive television broadcasts.
> For example, you do not require a licence to use a TV connected to a
> DVD/video player or a home computer - as these are not broadcast TV
> signals.

No, I don't believe thats the case. For years we didn't have a TV licence:
we had a video /player/ (no RF demodulator) and a TV with the RF box
removed. We removed the RF box from the TV because the TV licence people
themselves told us this was the case.

Looking at it from the TV peoples point of view: it stops people avoiding
paying the licence by using "I only watch DVDs" as an excuse, then
reconnecting the aerial later.

And I want to build a replacement circuit so's I can use the card elsewhere,
so pulling out the RF box from the card isn't an option.

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