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Date   : Mon, 25 Feb 2002 14:22:07 +0000
From   : John Woodgate <jmw@...>
Subject: Re: Circuits involving a SAA5050?

I read in !bbc-micro that Kris Adcock <krisa@...> wrote (in
<001701c1bdf3$d4ad3bf0$c7eea8c0@...>) about '[BBC-Micro] Circuits
involving a SAA5050?', on Mon, 25 Feb 2002:
>Greetings earthlings,
>For several years now I've been maintaining a RiscPC system with a teletext
>decoder card in it. The card is being used to produce an 80x25 screen of
>text as a composite video signal. Now, I need to replace this card, mostly
>because the card has a TV tuner in it, and the property where the computer
>is based does not have a TV licence. So, I'm looking to build my own
>'serverely simplified' version of the card. Using an SAA5050 chip seems to
>be an obvious choice, so I was wondering if anyone on this mailing list has
>any experience using this chip, or has built anything similar. I'm pretty
>good at taking existing circuit diagrams and butchering them to my own evil
>ends, but not so hot on starting from scratch.
Can you not just disconnect the power supply to the TV tuner part?
Without the tuner oscillator going, the detector van will not react. 
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk 
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