Date : Sat, 19 Jan 2002 09:30:30 +0000
From : "W.Scholten" <wouter.scholten@...>
Subject: Re: mags, scans etc.
Paul Wheatley wrote:
> Kris Adcock wrote:
> > Near the end of the Micro Users life, didn't someone write a freeware
> > utility for RISC OS which contained a database of all articles? I seem to
> > recall you could search through the database and it would tell you
which mag
> > contained a certain article. If the data in that is easily extractable, it
> > might get you a partial database up and running quicker.
> Why don't you ask Steve Turnbull (who now edits Acorn User - if its still
> going), as I think he was editor of the Micro User at the time. He may be
> able to help you find a copy.
That database would be nice; I can't use it / try to extract data though
as I don't have a ROS machine, so if anyone else could have a look..
Note too that I'm not just referring to the BBC mags, also the
multi-format mags. I've been looking for a few listings (the
grid/meteors) for ages for example, and finally got them in an issue of
PCW and the other in a 'your computer'. If I had a decent index (with
program names for listings and that sort of thing), I could have
looked/asked more specifically for these mags and/or scans, and probably
got more reponse (now it only took 5 years!).