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Date   : Thu, 17 Jan 2002 20:37:31 +0000
From   : "W.Scholten" <wouter.scholten@...>
Subject: mags, scans etc.


I saw an ad for a mag I never heard of before, 'the beebon', and got
hold of 2 issues of 'Personal software' (BBC version) and 'The A&B
collection, spring 1985'. Does anyone know more about these?

I.e. what I want to know is:
  - were any issues of beebon really produced? If so how many? (Personal
software vol1 no 1 mentions it would be published from may 1982,
publisher = bug-byte)
  - were any issues of 'Personal software' (BBC version) after vol 1 no
4 released? Or were these named 'the A&B collection' (as it is the same
  - Which issues of the 'A&B collection' exist?
  - Are there any other BBC magazines I've never heard of?

If anyone wants to donate/sell/swap some mags/manuals etc. for scanning
etc., send me mail! (check out the wants/trade page:
http://home.wanadoo.nl/wouter.scholten/bbc/bbc-wanted.html )

I've just put up some scans from 'A&B collection spring 1985', see


I've delayed the scanning MU's in favour of scanning indexes of mags and
samples from other mags btw.. (I got about zero response to the request
of people making text indexes from any magazines; come on, do

These I'll put there too, at least partially (rest probably on 8bs).

Does anyone know if Star swarm (almost the same as Tetrapod) was really
ever released as star swarm (i.e. with package with the star swarm name)
or was it an old version that slipped through on a tetrapod

Ditto for Acornsoft's Carnival/Carousel. Anyone?

I've converted most rtf gunk on Mark's pages to html using 
the logictrans converter. I couldn't even read in most of those crappy
word documents on a win 95 machine with office 97 and have thus not
converted these (via rtf route). I'll see about uploading the html
conversions (to TBL probably).



PS. If you make mag indexes, don't send them in word format; I can do
nothing useful with these but bin them.

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