Date : Tue, 15 Jan 2002 20:16:45 -0500 (EST)
From : Victor Rozanov <vic792r@...>
Subject: Re: Anyone remember a music system?
Hello Kris.
> I think you may be missing the point somewhat: Nostalgia.
I do not think I missed it. I have real beeb at home and play with it very
often! I know what the word nostalgia means! It means you have to have the red
function keys to understand ;)
> ask us all why we're playing 4-colour Beeb games when we could own stonking
> computers with 3D graphics cards (in fact, I play Counterstrike and Chuckie
> Egg in roughly equal measures).
Here is my point: We play old 4 colour games because the idea, the engine and
design is much much better than in the most current games with all those bells
and whistles called 3D and the other "turbo-burbo":) I think the imagination
the talent were highly involved in the old games writing. Just for example
REVS! I played tons of current racing games even the professional simulators
but I can swear that there is no better mathematical modeling for the
virtual racing car anywhere on the market today.
Another generic example is Chess ( I am talking about the chess in general,
the acornsoft Chess .) Who knows how old is this game! May be several thousand
years old but people are still interested in playing this game.
In my understanding acorn BBC is a good example of nostalgic feelings and
talently designed hardware and software.
> I don't /want/ to use it as a sequencer. I
> just wanna mess with it again.
I played with that software years ago and I could not find anything
outstanding there. Not at that time, nor now! That is why I said -
there is no reason to use this software. But again it is only IMHO.
> > And also I think there are no worm feelings about that software.
> I hope you mean that YOU have no warm feelings about that software.
> Otherwise, you'd be suggesting that I'd be wrong to have any such feelings.
Pardon my French:)))
Sorry, I am trying to write all my letters without any spell checkers for
practice, and I would really appreciate if people can correct me.
Sorry about that and thanks again for understanding me right.
Of course it should be "warm" but not "worm"!!