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Date   : Mon, 14 Jan 2002 11:40:40 -0000
From   : Daniel Luton <DLuton@...>
Subject: Re: Anyone remember a music system?

Why, you gonna try and get on "Top of the Pops" with your Beeb??


-----Original Message-----
From: Kris Adcock [mailto:krisa@...]
Sent: 14 January 2002 09:43
To: 'BBC list'
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Anyone remember a music system?

Morning all,

Many, many years ago, when the universe was young, men were real men, small
furry things from alpha century ... etc ... and I was about 7, a friend lent
me a music composition program for the Beeb. All I can remember about it was
that it had some very impressive (for a 7-year-old, anyway) demo files which
came with it. One was called RONDO (which was the Turkish March by Mozart),
and was in about 5 separate files. There was an actual composition bit, then
a kind-of playlist bit, etc. I only had it for a week, as my friend wanted
it back and I didn't know how to beat copy protection at the time. Does
anyone reckon they know what this software was called? And is it available
on any of the usual archives?



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