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Date   : Tue, 18 Dec 2001 10:07:40 -0000
From   : owner-bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: Broken BBC Master Compact


*STATUS on the BBC master lists the configuration options. You can spool
this out as a text file to edit it (do *SPOOL <fsp> before *STATUS) in View,
say. Simply prefix any item with a * to set it individually, or press
something like Z-<BREAK> to get the *command line and type

EXEC <fsp>

where <fsp> is same filename as you used for SPOOLing out the text file. I
don't know what option you have to change for Econet, though, can anyone
else help?

-----Original Message-----
From: Chesterton Andrew-BLUW13 [mailto:andrew.chesterton@...]
Sent: 18 December 2001 09:12
To: 'mlasham@...'; bbc-micro@cloud9.co.uk
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Broken BBC Master Compact

Hi Michael,
	It looks as if the BBC was connected to an Econet network, try doing
a CTRL-D-BREAK That should make the disk interface the primary file source,
you should then be able to edit the config file so that it ignores the
Econet interface. I can't remember the commands for doing this, but I'm sure
somebody else can help on that one.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Lasham [mailto:mlasham@...]
Sent: 17 December 2001 18:19
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Broken BBC Master Compact


I've just purchased an old BBC Master Compact.
I've not used a BBC since about 1984 at school :)
Anyway when I power on I get a continous Beep sound
and one of the following messages on my screen, they
change everynow and then on power on.  The keyboard
bar the reset key does not work.

"Invalid station id"
"BBC Basic >"
"* BBS MOS" or "*BBS MDS"

Pressing the break key resets the system to give the
same fault.  Once I managed to change the resolution of
the screen but nothing else worked still (not sure
how I did it :)  )

Any ideas as to what could be wrong.

I dont have any other devices appart from the system and


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