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Date   : Sun, 02 Dec 2001 12:08:11 +0000
From   : George Reynolds <george@...>
Subject: Help!!

I have just dug my old BBC B out of the cupboard. (I resorted to using
a BBC after the crap I get from windows :D). 
However, it doesn't work!!!

It had a watford sideways ram interface and a vine micros replay :) but 
the pins on the watford were very bent and it didn't sit nicely in the
case, so I have removed it, apart from the switches at the back which need
scewing out. I have removed all the pin connections. 
However i have the problem that I have the main system roms sitting on
top of the case and I don't know where to put them. They were of course
in the watford board :D

I have 8524 HM6264LP-15 T00008010 *2
          Acorn 8417
          Acorn 8421
          NEC 8227k9 D7002C

I have slots free in the main ROM slots (next to the vine micros one) 
and I also have 2 free towards the middle left of the board near the power 
supply. I have the 'Advanced BBC Micro Reference Guide' however...my board
looks completely different to their printed layout at the back. It's ISSUE4,
so It could be the wrong issue :(

I also dug out my master which doesn't even bleep on startup :( I was hoping
to use my WE video digitiser :D 
But one problem at a time :S

Anyway, if anyone can help me or point me to a site where I can get information
it would help.

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