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Date   : Sat, 29 Sep 2001 14:42:42 -0700 (PDT)
From   : "F. Haroon" <haroonpd@...>
Subject: BBC Micro news, to October 2001


To: info@...
From: info@...
Date: Tue,25 Sep 2001 22:26:03 +0000
Subject: BBC micro news,to October 2001

For those you haven't seen one before,this is an (approximately) quarterly
update of what new things of interest there have been for the BBC microcomputer

The list of recipients is maintained by hand,so if you'd rather not be on the
list or have no idea what a BBC micro is then simply send me back a blank 
email and I'll remove you.

Anyway,the observant amongst you may have noticed there was no letter last
quarter.Sorry - I got a bit too busy and am still puzzled where the summer
went,so on with the more recent news:

New DOSFS ROM released
29 Aug 2001
The internet has opened up a wealth of archived BBC software which can be 
downloaded at no charge. However,being able to transfer this software to the 
machine presents a serious problem because of the need to jump the gap from 
the PC to BBC micro.

The DOSFS ROM solves this problem by allowing the BBC micro to read and 
write PC format floppy discs including those from PCs running Windows 
which permits much longer filenames.

The DOSFS ROM is available now,priced £15 which includes ROM manual and
postage to UK destinations - for more info visit

Order yours today!

!DFSReader updated
15 Sep 2001
DFS reader is a desktop program for RISC OS (see http://www.riscos.com/) to
read and write Acorn DFS format floppies written on the BBC micro.
It appears alongside the normal filer icons on the iconbar and behaves just
like any other RISC OS filer.

Originally written in 1992 I have now taken over development and recently
made a number of handy updates and enhancements as well as a large number
of bug fixes.

!DFSReader is free to download along with a number of other RISC OS utilities

Note,this program is for RISC OS only.

8M ram disc for the BBC micro
12 Mar 2001
Having released both the RAMFS software and circuit diagrams in February 
2001's edition of EUG to build an 8M RAM disk,anyone who still hasn't had 
the nerve to build it on strip board can now order the board ready made!

Depending on whether you feel happy soldering surface mounted components 
you may want to go for a ready made and tested board or start with a 
partly assembled kit to finish yourself.

The RAMFS software gives you high speed,solid state,silent data storeage with
peak data rates exceeding 20k a second.

For details,go to 

Beeb utilities updated
Recently updated titles include
RDPHROM - utility to read the contents from the speech system 'PHROM'
TRAPVEC - utility to report any accesses to a given vector (handy for
software debugging)
FPGAIT - utility to upload images into field programmable gate arrays (handy
for hardware designers
SETATTR - utility to retrospectively set a file's load/exec addresses
(useful if these were lost when sending programs by email)

All of these updated (plus the not recently updated) titles are available to
download for free from

As ever,please contact me with any comments or suggestions.
Let's hope the next quarter is as eventful as this one was...

Robert Sprowson.

HaroonPD http://www.geocities.com/haroonpd/

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Listen to your Yahoo! Mail messages from any phone with Yahoo! by Phone.
2px solid">To: info@...<BR>From: info@sprow.co.uk<BR>Date: Tue,25 
Sep 2001 22:26:03 +0000<BR>Subject: BBC micro news,to October 2001<BR><BR>For 
those you haven't seen one before,this is an (approximately) quarterly<BR>update 
of what new things of interest there have been for the BBC microcomputer<BR>series.<BR><BR>The 
list of recipients is maintained by hand,so if you'd rather not be on 
the<BR>list or have no idea what a BBC micro is then simply send me back 
a blank <BR>email and I'll remove you.<BR><BR>Anyway,the observant amongst 
you may have noticed there was no letter last<BR>quarter.Sorry - I got 
a bit too busy and am still puzzled where the summer<BR>went,so on with 
the more recent news:<BR><BR><BR>New DOSFS ROM released<BR>----------------------<BR>29
Aug 2001<BR>The internet has opened up a wealth of archived BBC software
which can be <BR>downloaded at no charge. However,being able to !
transfer this software to the <BR>machine presents a serious problem because 
of the need to jump the gap from <BR>the PC to BBC micro.<BR><BR>The DOSFS 
ROM solves this problem by allowing the BBC micro to read and <BR>write 
PC format floppy discs including those from PCs running Windows <BR>which 
permits much longer filenames.<BR><BR>The DOSFS ROM is available now,priced 
£15 which includes ROM manual and<BR>postage to UK destinations - for 
more info visit<BR>http://www.sprow.co.uk/bbc/dosfs.htm<BR><BR>Order yours 
today!<BR><BR>!DFSReader updated<BR>------------------<BR>15 Sep 2001<BR>DFS 
reader is a desktop program for RISC OS (see http://www.riscos.com/) to<BR>read 
and write Acorn DFS format floppies written on the BBC micro.<BR>It appears 
alongside the normal filer icons on the iconbar and behaves just<BR>like
any other RISC OS filer.<BR><BR>Originally written in 1992 I have now taken
over development and recently<BR>made a number of handy updates and enhancements
as well a!
s a large number<BR>of bug fixes.<BR><BR>!DFSReader is free to download 
along with a number of other RISC OS utilities<BR>from <BR>http://www.sprow.co.uk/bbc/riscos.htm<BR><BR>Note,this 
program is for RISC OS only.<BR><BR>8M ram disc for the BBC micro<BR>-----------------------------<BR>12 
Mar 2001<BR>Having released both the RAMFS software and circuit diagrams 
in February <BR>2001's edition of EUG to build an 8M RAM disk,anyone who 
still hasn't had <BR>the nerve to build it on strip board can now order 
the board ready made!<BR><BR>Depending on whether you feel happy soldering 
surface mounted components <BR>you may want to go for a ready made and 
tested board or start with a <BR>partly assembled kit to finish yourself.<BR><BR>The 
RAMFS software gives you high speed,solid state,silent data storeage with<BR>peak
data rates exceeding 20k a second.<BR><BR>For details,go to <BR>http://www.sprow.co.uk/bbc/ramdisc.htm<BR><BR>Beeb
utilities updated<BR>----------------------<BR>Ongoing!
<BR>Recently updated titles include<BR>RDPHROM - utility to read the contents 
from the speech system 'PHROM'<BR>TRAPVEC - utility to report any accesses 
to a given vector (handy for<BR>software debugging)<BR>FPGAIT - utility 
to upload images into field programmable gate arrays (handy<BR>for hardware 
designers<BR>SETATTR - utility to retrospectively set a file's load/exec 
addresses<BR>(useful if these were lost when sending programs by email)<BR><BR>All 
of these updated (plus the not recently updated) titles are available 
to<BR>download for free from<BR>http://www.sprow.co.uk/bbc/software.htm<BR><BR><BR><BR>As 
ever,please contact me with any comments or suggestions.<BR>Let's hope 
the next quarter is as eventful as this one was...<BR><BR>Robert Sprowson.</BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR><EM><STRONG><FONT 
color=orange>HaroonPD </FONT></STRONG></EM><A href="http://www.geocities.com/haroonpd/">http://www.geocities.com/haroonpd/</A><p><br><hr
size=1><b>Do You Yahoo!?</b><br>
Listen to your Yahoo! Mail messages from any phone with <a
by Phone</a>.

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