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Date   : Wed, 26 Sep 2001 12:57:50 -0400 (EDT)
From   : Victor Rozanov <vic792r@...>
Subject: [RE] BBC B+ 128 question.


Thank you for your help.
I have ROMs with OS 1.20 and old Basic.
I tried them in B+ but the result is the same or almost the same.
What I can imagine is that some games touch the memory areas where
the additional memory registers located and corrupt their state.
Another posibility is the 1770 DFS 2.22.  According to my knowledges
the BBC B had 8271 controller and it was the different DFS for that.
That DFS used much less system memory for its work. And one more thing.
I think the jumpers on the keyboard mean something when the game is trying
to recognize what type of computer it is. May be I am wrong. These are
only my guesses about the issue.
That is why I am looking for some more documentation  related to that
or the person who can answer my questions.

Thank you for your support and help again.
If you have some more ideas of what else it might be
I would really appreciate for any info.



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