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Date   : Sat, 22 Sep 2001 15:51:39 +0300
From   : Evangelinos Dimitris <evangelinos@...>
Subject: Emulators and PC printer port reading ?

Some 10 years ago I had written a BBC program that reads the 8 bits of the 
User Port and stores them in memory once per second, using plain Basic (no 
assembly calls, just polling the VIA register with ?& commands). I am now 
assigned the task of porting this program to the PC platform. Before doing 
so, I'd like to consult the List and research the possibility of using an 
emulator before delving into the mysteries of windoze.

A PC's closest equivalent of the User Port is the printer port, which i 
know is accessible in windows programming via a simple .DLL. So, if any of 
the existing BBC emulators support printing, then it should in principle be 
able to read it too. In such a case I could for example write to the author 
and investigate further.

I'd be much obliged if you could provide me any tips regarding the issue.

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Dimitris Evangelinos
Solid State Division, Physics Department
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
54006 GREECE
TEL ++ 31 998053, 998059
GSM ++ 932 949099

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