Date : Sun, 09 Sep 2001 12:07:31 +0100 (BST)
From : Michael McConnell <soruk@...>
Subject: Re: XFER
On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Colin Fraser wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Michael McConnell [mailto:soruk@...]
> > Sent: 09 September 2001 10:45
> > To: Colin Fraser
> > Cc: 'BBC mailing list'
> > Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] XFER
> >
> > The A3000 has a DD floppy system - so you can talk 720K DOS but not
> > 1.44Mb. If it has RiscOS 3, it'll talk to the DOS discs natively, if
> > RiscOS2 you'll need a third party app that can talk the DOS
> > filesystem.
> That may be trouble for some - I had serious problems getting my PC to
> read/write 720k disks until I installed an older floppy.
> Some newer floppy drives seem to have the density select fixed for 1.4M
> disks.
That strikes me as odd - I know there are issues with 5.25in discs, but
3.5in should be fine...
Are you trying to use an HD disc as a DD one? This as I've discovered is
prone to failure...
> This makes them unsuitable for use on a BBC too.
> Maybe the A3000 can be modified for 1.4M ?
> I hacked a 1.4M drive into my Atari ST using a single logic chip, and a text
> file I found on the web somewhere.
> > Does sound rather painless - assuming you have a 3.5in floppy
> > disc drive
> > for your BBC.
> It'll be even less painless when I get a personal web server running on my
> PC. Then I can pull files to the RiscPC over IP.
... or just an FTP server. That would work.
-- Michael "Soruk" McConnell [Eridani Linux 6.3 Now!]
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