Date : Sat, 08 Sep 2001 20:19:16 +0200
From : "Mark de Weger" <mark@...>
Subject: RE:
I got the message below from Garyjferg and forward it on his behalf.
-----Original Message-----
From: Garyjferg@... []
Sent: zaterdag 8 september 2001 12:33
To: bbcmicro@...
Subject: (no subject)
i was just wondering if you could help me.
i have come accross a nimber of data recorders during a house clearance and
am trying to sell them. could you help in this matter at all.
the items are:
Sanyo DR101 data recorder, mint condition, boxed with instuctions,
Shado C692 deluxe data recorder, mint condition, boxed and with DIN
connecting lead.
any help would be appreciated.
thank you
gary ferguson