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Date   : Mon, 03 Sep 2001 23:34:43 +0100
From   : "Richard Gellman" <r.gellman@...>
Subject: Re: BASIC Programming: Positively soul destroying

>I have just completed a program on my Master 128.  The program came from
>Beebug members pack magazine and, having completed the program and tried to
>run it, I have been faced with the following error message:
>Subscript at line 1150
>This is line 1150:
>R%(L%,2)=0:NEXT (probably no help knowing that!)
>Does anyone have any clue what on earth this message means?

It means you tried to access an element of an array, where said element
didn't exist. e.g. DIM R%(4,2):R%(L%,2)=0 where L% is something like 7.

On a side note, the variables A% to Z% are referred to as "the resident
integer variables", as they occupy specific locations in memory, i.e.
somewhere between &400 and &7FF as opposed to standard variables which
occupy locations between LOMEM and HIMEM. (examples for those two would be
something like &1289 and &57FF). The relevance of this? Well, I'm not sure
if BBC Basic allowed you to define an array using one of the resident
integers as the array name. If it doesn't, then this could also be the cause
of your subscript error.

-- Richard Gellman

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