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Date   : Mon, 20 Aug 2001 22:40:04 +0100
From   : "Richard Gellman" <r.gellman@...>
Subject: Online BBC Games database (was RE: ANNOUNCE : UEF Specification 0.9)

>I've thought about taking BeebEF one step further as follows. Currently,
>have to set up BeebEF with your own local BBC programs, pictures, docs,
>My idea would be to set up a Web server at which all Beeb-related info is
>stored according to the structure defined in the DTD, using an XML file or
>database. Then BeebEF could be converted into a client program that
>to the Web server, displays everything stored on this Web server (i.e.,
>programs, pictures, docs, etc., nicely related to eachother) and then
>you to download the stuff you want and install it ready for use in the
>current BeebEF and thereby also all emulators.
>Unfortunately I cannot (yet) setup my own Web server (let alone a back-end
>database) and I spend quite a lot of time during "real" work (one project
>involves Biztalk... hey... maybe...).
>But I'd happily exchange any ideas on this subject.

If the people are willing to let me take a break from beebem after the next
release (due sometime around 2046.. (just kiddin)), I could knock up an
adequate cddb-style online database system without too much trouble... as
long as someone else is willing to pay for the shell for it to run on, as my
shell account is limited to 1 background process (bnc for irc protection
purposes), and i don't want to buy another :)

What I mean by cddb-style btw, is a database that can be accessed from a web
frontend, as well as having its own server and protocol for automatic use by

-- Richard Gellman

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