Date : Wed, 08 Aug 2001 16:19:10 +0100
From : "endie" <endie@...>
Subject: Re: RE: etiquette, quoting and stuff
"Jonathan Graham Harston" wrote
> RFC *ARE* Standards.
...and explained it so clearly that hopefully A.C. et al now get it!
Actually I was so depressed at this thread that I only sent a couple of
private notes off-mailing list. The lack of netiquette of people including
entire threads in their posts, adding new material at inappropriate places,
including a *read receipt* in postings to a mailing list (!?!) wasn't the
worst bit. It was the series of flames and trolls posting that they had
every right to act in this way, and what sort of a fascist was trying to
criticise them for it, etc etc ad nauseam. Seen it a hundred times over the
last decade or so since AOHelL added a gateway to the net.
The sad-funny thing is that almost all of the netiquetteless wonders who
posted these "I should be able to do what I like" diatribes ended by saying
something along the lines of "anyway that should close this off-topic
discussion, which I only descended from Olympus to pass judgement upon."
Perhaps pausing to call everyone who disagreed with them pompous.
So thanks to Wouter, and to Jonathan, and all those less afflicted with
Internetweltschmerz than I was last week. In the words of Need to Know ( - a superb site): "They stole our revolution. Now we're
stealing it back."
P.S. Whoever it was that had a side-swipe at sig-lines last week: yer a
berk ;)
PPS Still no-one interested in helping write a generic (ie supposedly
run-anywhere) Java BBC emulator? Ho hum... You know you want to.