Date : Tue, 07 Aug 2001 11:37:26 +0100
From : Andrew Chesterton <achester@...>
Subject: Re: Re: BEEB Stuff / TCP/IP stack
I would be interested in doing ftp from/to a BBC connected directly to the
Imagine getting those ROM images and programs without having to fdc them
first. Wonderful.
As an aside, I have been looking at using an Archimedes 440i as a gateway
between my home network (Ethernet) and a BBC network (Econet).
That said, I'm not getting very far at the moment due to lack of the
relevant hardware. It's an interesting idea though.
Andrew Chesterton.
-----Original Message-----
From: gARetH baBB [mailto:hick@...]
Sent: 07 August 2001 11:24
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Re: BEEB Stuff / TCP/IP stack
On Sun, 5 Aug 2001, john tuffen wrote:
[please learn how to quote correctly]
> As for a stack, it would be pretty straightforward to put together PPP
> (little point doing SLIP because very few ISPs support it now (although
Would many people actually want to *dialup* with their Beeb though ?
I was thinking more on the lines of people being able to network a Beeb in
the first place, using either SLIP or PLIP to a Linux box type thing.