Date : Sun, 05 Aug 2001 20:09:24 +0100
From : "john tuffen" <john@...>
Subject: Re: Re: BEEB Stuff / TCP/IP stack
The company I work for ( has just released a TCP/IP
stack for the PIC18 family.... core library fits in ~15k of code, <0.5k
RAM. So, it should be easy (!) to do it on a beeb...
Oh. Yes, PPP is more difficult.... guess who wrote the PIC implementation?
As for a stack, it would be pretty straightforward to put together PPP
(little point doing SLIP because very few ISPs support it now (although
it's extremely trivial), IP, TCP+UDP+ICMP on a beeb - all that RAM/ROM
> From: Ben Newsam <ben@...>
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Re: BEEB Stuff
> Date: 03 August 2001 17:08
> In message <6D293A121957D4119899009027FCB5DE4C0B72@...>, Andrew
> Chesterton <achester@...> writes
> > There is a TCP/IP stack available for the PIC family of Micros,
> >memory it only occupies 386 bytes worth of space, so running it on a BBC
> >should be no problem.
> PIC code is remarkably compact, and will not run directly on a 6502, but
> you are right to the extent that it is quite possible to implement on a
> Beeb.
> --
> Ben