Date : Sun, 29 Jul 2001 16:43:18 +1200
From : Michael Foot <mikef@...>
Subject: Re: Help with BBC B fault
In message <7qzdunCEZsY7Ewwb@...>
Mike Tomlinson <mike@...> wrote:
> In article <>,
> mikef@... <> writes
> In order:
> Take out the user 6522 (this is below the 6502 and provides the user and
> printer ports)
> Check IC14, 74LS245 - to the right of the 6502. If this is socketed,
> try replacing it. It's a common failure point. Do not use a substitute
> - e.g. 74HC245, 74ALS245.
Thanks for the suggestion. I've tried what you suggested, but it did not
change anything. I even tried closing link 9 (disable NMI) and replaing
IC14 but things are still the same.
I guess it's either some unsocketed IC, or another component such as a
resister or capacitor which has failed. If it is, it's going to be very
hard to hunt down.
> Was the machine known to be working previously?
Yes. In fact it's condition is (was) mint and it still has the original
Michael Foot <mikef@... >