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Date   : Wed, 11 Jul 2001 10:46:11 +0100
From   : Paras Sidapara <Paras.Sidapara@...>
Subject: Re: BEEB Stuff

If you're talking just BBC Basic then the Z88 was more a Beeb laptop than
anything else (I hope my memory is correct in thinking the Z88 had BBC Basic
and business software compatible with the View suite)!

Now - if someone comes up with a Java implementation of a Beeb emulator,
then I'd be happy to play Elite on a decent PDA in a year's time [based on
my expectations of the way technology is likely to evolve over the next year
or so]

-----Original Message-----
From: George Reynolds [mailto:george@...]
Sent: 10 July 2001 21:38
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] BEEB Stuff

Well the Tandy TRS-80 100/102 is the closest you can get to a BEEB laptop I

At 09:58 10/07/01, you wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-bbc-micro@...
> [mailto:owner-bbc-micro@...]On Behalf Of Tom Seddon
> Sent: 09 July 2001 13:22
> To: BBC Mailing List
> Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] BEEB Stuff
> I don't think a BBC emulator for the Psion 3A would be
> feasible. For a start,
> the processor is rather slow -- an 8MHz NEC V20/V30 (80x86
> clone), which is
> really not fast enough for emulation with graphics at even a
> passable speed. A
> V30 doesn't even run MS-DOS at a decent speed :-)

Now, a Beeb emulator which ran under EPOC would be nice. Psion Series 7
pretending to be a beeb - a laptop beeb? Cool.
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