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Date   : Tue, 03 Jul 2001 15:01:49 +0100 
From   : Tim Matthews <tim.matthews@...>

> My immediate reaction was quite unprintable. Obviously, we're 
> not all such
> good friends on this list as I assumed. Well fine, if even my 
> work archiving
> discs isn't appreciated then I will spend my summer elsewhere.

I shouldn't worry about the occasional random outburst - people get very
gobby from behind the safety screen of a monitor and keyboard. I kind of
cyber equivalent of road rage. This is the friendly list I've encountered,
Believe me - your efforts are appreciated!!
> I'm all for criticism but for goodness sake keep it 
> constructive. I send off
> emails to the Mailing List as I send emails to my friends. I 
> certainly don't
> use HTML codes in them so where they come from, I don't know, 
> Mr Babb. And
> what's this "can't quote correctly"? How am I supposed to 
> know what you're
> talking about?

Everything seemed fine here and HT free here.
>  How about actually spelling out your grievances instead of 
> firing off such
> an offensive missive?

Proabably as they don't add up to much.


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