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Date   : Thu, 28 Jun 2001 00:07:08 +0100
From   : "Chris Thornley" <C.J.Thornley@...>
Subject: Re: BBC Magazines

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-bbc-micro@...
[mailto:owner-bbc-micro@...]On Behalf Of Angus Duggan
Sent: 27 June 2001 19:27
To: BBC mailing list
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] BBC Magazines

Chris Thornley writes:
>It also not possible to export any of your acrobat documents into other
>formats. Direct input from word documents etc fails. Acrobat 5 reportable
>better but some say it only as a cosmetic change and bug fixes, and
>updates for people who bother with digital signatures.

>Acrobat 5 is more than cosmetic; it includes a fundamental change to the
>imaging model.
And this means what exactly? Something written on the box? The reviews I
have seen in various magazines seem not to rate its latest incarnation
highly. Plus it has to be backward compatible.

>The PDF 1.4 format also supports much better editability;
I hope so. I felt ripped off with some of its features when I parted with
hard earned cash for it. Plus it has an annoying habit of playing around
with which icon is associated with which file and suffers from memory
leakage if left running.

>PDF 1.3 had the concepts of subject threads, but they weren't widely used.
Subject threads hmm are they those annoying post it note things which you
can get tagged to links, images or text with more information etc Very
annoying especially when you want a print out of your document but all the
info you want in these and hence  missing.

>PDF 1.4 adds XML metadata tagging,
What the use of meta tagging in a storage document. The only use of meta
tags are for key words, expirery dates and refresh periods. Which are only
of use if they on the web.

>and the ability to re-flow text in tagged PDF files.
This might be useful but even more useful if I could export files. Also it
annoying if you captured say a web page with black background and you want
to switch it off for printing. There's no option. Also some times it
captures same coloured text on the same coloured background and it murder to
recolour it.

>I don't know if the OCR (Capture) part of Acrobat 5 is any better; I
only have the Japanese version, and haven't installed it on the machine with
my scanner yet.
On the whole I find acrobat useful but am annoyed on features that don't
work correctly and being hindered by the interface.

Global Graphics Software Ltd., Seattle, WA 98109, U.S.A.

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