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Date   : Fri, 22 Jun 2001 16:29:51 +0000
From   : "W.H.Scholten" <wouter.scholten@...>
Subject: Missing stuff from the archives (Re: Interest Dying Down?)

m.edwards26 wrote:

> First message posting.

Ok, but no html please.

> I have been putting together companion discs to the A&B COMPUTING
> magazines for free download from 8bs.com; anyone who's read this
> magazine will be aware of the high standard of games, demos,
> utilities, etc contained within its pages which were in jeopardy of
> being lost forever. However, I am missing quite a lot of the early
> issues (Vols 1 and 2). Anyone on this list with spare copies to
> sell/loan to me to finish off the archive?

  Good job.
  There's quite a lot of other stuff missing from the archives though.
Where are the micro user programs? Where are the acorn user programs?
(Model B computing tapes are also not available as noted in other
messages). Tapes/disks were made of all listings in micro user mags, not
sure if that's the case for acorn user. In any event, these cannot be
found anywhere on the net.
  Does anyone have them? If you have any, and you're not going to read
them in, please send it to someone who will (like me ;-))

  What's also still missing is a lot of documentation for games, roms
(e.g. ADE, SPY, AID that I would like to see). I've started scanning
various docs I have but I can't put it all on my web pages as it takes
up way too much space (done so far: beebmon, pcb, printbas, the artist,
word hunt). Ocr'ing I find to give extremely poor results (all those ocr
programs suck), so I did not do that. Maybe I'll send it out on a CD to
Mark (good idea Mark?) when I've done more. I'll probably do
ADI/ADT/Watford diagnostics disc next if noone has scanned them yet).

  And there are still lots of programs missing. I'm looking for the
Bitstik software (2 80 track discs: system & library) for example.

  Another program I'd like to see is Kansas' arcade scramble (renamed
bomber scramble in later ads). Is it any good?

  I've read in several tapes that are not yet in the archives (graphs &
charts, picture maker, PCW games collection, BBC soft's Drawing,
basicode 2, german editions of a few acornsoft games) that I'll place on
my www pages soon.



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