Date : Tue, 29 May 2001 07:51:09 -0400
From : "Brian Ross" <bmross@...>
Subject: Re: Re: Tape reading/writing
As I see it the UEF format has its place since it allows one to easily
convert old tapes to run on the emulator without having to worry about
converting them to run under a DFS. After having done this myself with an
old electron tape I had knocking about in a drawer for the last 14 years I
can comment that it 'just works'. That's all I want, to run a few old
games. Now if only the emulator would write to a 'tape' I could save my
elite commanders (hint, hint).
> > No, my comment was about the format being a year old and not being used
> > much by emulators nor noticed in other ways. That as I said is nothing
> > new...
> Actually its used by my Electron emulator, two in development, BeebEm and
> B-Em. That constitutes every Acorn 8bit emulator that anyone has worked on
> since the UEF format was invented except pcBBC. The Stairway to Hell
> at an estimate, deals in at least 60% UEF's logged 12mb of downloads last
> week. At around a 30kb average file size, thats quite a few. I personally
> had 10 odd downloads of the utility for converting tapes to UEFs in the
> week.
> What is your definitely of 'used much'? And how much do you expect people
> care about a tiny little niché file format?
> -Thomas
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