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Date   : Thu, 24 May 2001 17:54:22 +0000
From   : "W.H.Scholten" <wouter.scholten@...>
Subject: Re: Opus Challenger eprom version > 1.01?

Tom Seddon wrote:

> What are these problems? I have 1.01 as well.

- *OPT1,0 gives an error (must change some games to get them to work
around this)

- After a power up reset, the RAM should be cleared (might be
interesting to see a program gradually being wiped out after switching
the BBC off and back on, but there's no real use and this gives problems
with some of my boot disks which copy to the ram disk, fail due to
corrupted locked files (my program thinks a certain program is already
on RAM disk, doesn't copy, tries to execute it and fails).

{ that reminds me: another reason to crack tape games for me was that
annoying feature of some to go into a loop when you press break, so you
have to switch off the machine }

- It shouldn't use colour codes in any mode but MODE 7 (junk when user
def'd chars have been defined) and also not when the printer or serial
output is selected.

Also I want to add:
- show how many files there are when you *CAT

Possibly there was more, not sure; I've only recently written the
problems down as I've got an eprom writer/eraser now so I can actually
write a new one...


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