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Date   : Thu, 24 May 2001 07:31:12 +0100
From   : "Chris Richardson" <chris@...>
Subject: Re: EUG Electron User Group

Hello folks

Kevin said:
>???    Gone !!!!!!! - yes, probably an over dramatic comparison, but how
about this - EUG now as the last original media group, >what
next.........Chris Richardson decides that 8BS has had it's day , WWW or

Nope. I  can assure you that this will never happen. Even if it might look
like it now and again when 8bs.com goes down....

Another point is that I immediately update the 8BS website with anything new
that comes in. However, I have only one regular contributor left although
from time to time many others submit things for the website. Albert
Schofield with his tape to disc articles. The problems Dave of EUG is having
at this moment are the same that 8BS suffered a couple of years ago. There
were many members of 8BS that wanted and enjoyed the regular disc based
magazine, but only a couple that were prepared to put in the slight effort
(compared to the work I had to put in) required to keep the thing alive by
submitting anything for the mag. I even made it dead easy for them to do
this with the messaging system. Full story at http://8bs.com/history.htm

Things move on I suppose, and I am pleased that I managed to get the website
up and running when I did, before the demise of the magazine, so that I am
almost as busy now as I was in the days of the mag.


8-Bit Software, the BBC and Master Public Domain Library

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