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Date   : Mon, 21 May 2001 20:48:26 +0100
From   : Simon Marchese <simon_marchese@...>
Subject: Re: Acorn ROMS - technical descriptions of routines

I've modified AODIS (http://fmf.fwn.rug.nl/~xaviar/1/aodis.html) to help
with ROM disassembly, purely for my own use of course ... Basically I've
added code to read named entry points from a file. I was thinking of
typing in all the ones listed in the BBC BASIC ROM book and run it.
Scanning the list in the book would be easier to start with but I don't
have a scanner ... An obscure sport maybe, still fun for some!

"Fewell, Steve" wrote:
> I have the "BBC BASIC ROM" (I think that's what it's called) book that gives
> routine entry addresses for BASIC2, and explains how to use them.
> But, I guess, because of copyright or space restrictions it doesn't go into
> the details of how each routine works.
> I guess I'm just interested in how an 8-bit computer calculates SIN and
> performs multiplication so efficiently.
> Steve.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paras Sidapara [mailto:Paras.Sidapara@...]
> Sent: 21 May 2001 13:49
> To: 'Fewell, Steve'
> Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Acorn ROMS - technical descriptions of routines
> Hi Steve - I tried doing the same about 15 years ago because I was looking
> for decent 65C02 optimised floating point code for something I was
> writing... a book by Roger Cullis had already sorted me out for Basic II and
> Basic I; I might have this stuff written up and will let you know if I come
> across it.
> ...don't get me wrong here, but why on earth are you looking to do this in
> 2001???!!!
> Paras
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fewell, Steve [mailto:Steve.Fewell@...]
> Sent: 21 May 2001 12:34
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: [BBC-Micro] Acorn ROMS - technical descriptions of routines
> I've been looking at the BASIC4 ROM and trying to document the various
> routines that are included in it, including descriptions of what the
> routines do, and how they do it.
> I haven't got very far yet, but I was thinking of typing up some of the
> stuff, and was wondering whether anyone would be interested in reading it. I
> know that many people on this list have probably already dissected the BASIC
> ROM - and probably know more than I do!
> I was thinking of including assembler listings with the descriptions of the
> routines. Can anyone tell me if this is legal now - or is the ROM still
> under copyright. If it's still copyright, I guess I would be okay quoting
> addresses of routines and describing how they work.
> Would anyone be interested in posting details of routines in other ROMS,
> e.g. DFS, ADFS, VIEW, SHEET etc...
> Steve.

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