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Date   : Mon, 21 May 2001 18:26:08 +1000
From   : "Adam" <alomac@...>
Subject: Re: Have I killed my Beeb? etc, etc.

OK, I finally got video out working on my beeb via the UHF-out port. If it
helps, this is what I get on screen in various situations:

[Turning the computer on normally]:

BBC Computer 32K
Econet Station 048 No Clock
No Clock

When I turn it on, the first two lines appear pretty much straight away.
Then comes the BEEEEEEEEEP!. Once it's done, the third line appears.

[Pressing SHIFT-BREAK once the previous screen has appeared]:

BBC Computer
Econet Station 048 No Clock

[Turning on the computer with the SHIFT key held down]:

BBC Computer 32K
Econet Station 048 No Clock

[If I press BREAK on its own]:

BBC Computer
Econet Station 048 No Clock
No Clock

When I do this there is a pause between the first two lines and the last
line appearing. Basically similar to a "normal" startup.

I have DFS version 1.20. The disc drive I got with the computer is a Cumana
3.5". I have no idea whether the keyboard settings mentioned previously
apply to this drive. I have no idea whether this drive was used with this
computer as I got them both from a RISCstation dealer. (Along with a A440).
Once I get a better idea about whats going on, I'll give him a buzz and ask
if he knows anything about this or those mysterious keyboard modifications.


Thanks and regards,

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