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Date   : Mon, 21 May 2001 12:33:53 +0100
From   : "Fewell, Steve" <Steve.Fewell@...>
Subject: Acorn ROMS - technical descriptions of routines

I've been looking at the BASIC4 ROM and trying to document the various
routines that are included in it, including descriptions of what the
routines do, and how they do it.

I haven't got very far yet, but I was thinking of typing up some of the
stuff, and was wondering whether anyone would be interested in reading it. I
know that many people on this list have probably already dissected the BASIC
ROM - and probably know more than I do!

I was thinking of including assembler listings with the descriptions of the
routines. Can anyone tell me if this is legal now - or is the ROM still
under copyright. If it's still copyright, I guess I would be okay quoting
addresses of routines and describing how they work.

Would anyone be interested in posting details of routines in other ROMS,
e.g. DFS, ADFS, VIEW, SHEET etc...


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