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Date   : Sun, 20 May 2001 14:47:21 +1000
From   : "Adam" <alomac@...>
Subject: Dead BBC. Solution?

I've been told that the modifications to the keyboard mentioned in my
earlier post have hard-wired the machine to boot from floppy disk which I
can circumvent to some degree by pressing SHIFT while turning the machine
When I try this, the 5-second BEEP! is cut short. (machine goes breeBEEP!)
and then Crtl-G and the *TAPE commands work as advertised. However, I still
get that faint beep when I press BREAK on its own, and there is always faint
static coming from the speaker.

As mentioned, I still can't get TV output as I don't yet have the
appropriate adaptor, am unsure of what one to get (What is the proper name
for the socket on the BBC's cable? Is it BNC?) , and think that the socket
on the BBC's cable might be damaged (I mentioned this in more detail in my
last post).

So it looks like things _might_ be OK. I'll have to wait until I get TV out
however until I can get a better idea...

Thanks and regards,

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