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Date   : Sat, 19 May 2001 16:42:30 +1000
From   : "Adam" <alomac@...>
Subject: Have I killed my Beeb?

Yesterday I got a BBC Microcomputer for free. Apparently it is a Model B
although it does not say this anywhere on the case. I didn't get any
documentation with it, just the computer and the cable, so I stupidly decied
to take a stab at setting it up myself. Unfortunately, rather than plugging
the RCA plug of the cable into 'UHF out' and the Co-ax and into the TV, I
plugged the Co-ax end into the BBC's "video-out" port and the RCA jack into
my VCR's input (from where it would filter down into my TV).

I turned the Beeb on and the Caps Lock light lit up. There was a
"brrrroing!", the Shift Lock light flickered momentarily, and then
"BBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWP!!" This second sound lasts for around 5-10
seconds and is mind-piercingly loud. Once it stops the computer did nothing,
only a faint buzz comes from the speaker. If I press BREAK I hear a feeble
beep when I release it. Otherwise, the BBC doesn't respond.
I have an evil socketed TV so until I get an adaptor, I can't properly
connect the BBC to it. In the meantime, I've tried switching it on without
the TV to see what happens. I get the same thing every time. I made a post
about this on comp.sys.acorn.misc. It was suggested that I try the

Press Ctrl-G and see if it bleeped. It didn't. This, I gather, is bad.

 and see if it affected the cassete motor light and if I could hear the
cassete relay click over. Nothing happened.

I opened 'er up and saw that it has an "Issue 7" board though I have no idea
of the relavence of this. A "32K Sideways RAM Module" has been fitted and
wires run from it to just infront of the keyboard connector and to a chip
near the power supply. There are three empty chip sockets, one next to the
Sideways, and two near the Power Supply. In front of these last two sockets
is a thin multi-pin connector (PL14) which is not connected to anything.

My questions are:

1. Is the BBC dead?

2. Is it my fault?

3. Is there anything I can do about it?

4. What are my chances?

Hoping desperately that comeone can help.


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