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Date   : Sat, 19 May 2001 11:29:34 +0100
From   : Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
Subject: Re: Have I killed my Beeb?

In article <002b01c0e02e$e0ee3980$06218ec6@...>, Adam
<alomac@...> writes

> Unfortunately, rather than plugging
>the RCA plug of the cable into 'UHF out' and the Co-ax and into the TV, I
>plugged the Co-ax end into the BBC's "video-out" port and the RCA jack into
>my VCR's input (from where it would filter down into my TV).

That should be OK.  Can you not see anything on the screen at all?  Does
the screen flash/flicker when you switch the machine on?

>I turned the Beeb on and the Caps Lock light lit up. There was a
>"brrrroing!", the Shift Lock light flickered momentarily, and then
>"BBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWP!!" This second sound lasts for around 5-10
>seconds and is mind-piercingly loud.

it's normally "beeeee-BEEP!".  A continuous tone
"beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...."  indicates a hardware failure of some sort.

The fact that your machine almost gets there means it's probably only a
minor fault.

> Once it stops the computer did nothing,
>only a faint buzz comes from the speaker. If I press BREAK I hear a feeble
>beep when I release it.

that doesn't sound right.  you should only get a beep when you press
control and break together, not just break on its own.

>Press Ctrl-G and see if it bleeped. It didn't. This, I gather, is bad.
>* MOTOR 1
> and see if it affected the cassete motor light and if I could hear the
>cassete relay click over. Nothing happened.

The grey ribbon cable between the keyboard and the main board does
develop dirty contacts over time.  Switch off, unplug it and plug it
back in and try again.  When it develops dirty contacts, the machine
won't boot properly (it'll give a blank screen with a small flashing
cursor in the top left hand corner.)

>I opened 'er up and saw that it has an "Issue 7" board though I have no idea
>of the relavence of this.

it's the last (and best) revision of the board.

> A "32K Sideways RAM Module" has been fitted and
>wires run from it to just infront of the keyboard connector and to a chip
>near the power supply.

Does this RAM module have a battery you can see?

> There are three empty chip sockets, one next to the

these are spare ROM sockets

> and two near the Power Supply.

these are for the speech upgrade

> In front of these last two sockets
>is a thin multi-pin connector (PL14) which is not connected to anything.

this is for the "ashtray connector" which comes with the speech upgrade.

>My questions are:
>1. Is the BBC dead?


>2. Is it my fault?


>3. Is there anything I can do about it?

See above.

>4. What are my chances?

pretty good, as long as you don't start fiddling.  If reseating the
keyboard connector doesn't work, the next step is to remove the RAM
board and reinstate the default jumpers.  If it is battery backed, it
may have a corrupt ROM image in it which is preventing the BBC from

But post here first.


"Security-wise, NT is a server with a 'Kick me' sign taped to it."
                      - Peter Gutmann

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