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Date   : Fri, 18 May 2001 15:39:23 
From   : "C Davies" <davies_@...>
Subject: Re: Locked and beyond

I remember that when I wrote my decoder, using cycle timings from a standard 
6502 manual, each *main* loop of the code was losing 1 cycle.  (Not every 
loop, just the large one).  Took me ages to track down what was happening, 
cos obviously the code still looked entirely scrambled when it was just 1 
cycle out.  My 5.25" drive should be turning up soon (from eBay), so 
hopefully I'll be able to get into my old BBC code, and dig out the 

Though I've got to admit, it'll be much simpler if James has the solution to 
hand... :)



>From: "Richard Gellman" <r.gellman@...>
>To: <bbc-micro@...>
>Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Locked and beyond
>Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 16:12:11 +0100
>From Peter Van Ek:
> >This one does not use any VIA Timing, While on that subject I see none of
> >the BBC emulators emulate this correctly, I.E. PCBBC or BeebEm so if you
> >to load any of the games with Kevin Edwards protection they won't work.
>Yup. Thats annoying me too. The VIA Timing is emulated *almost* correctly,
>which is why Revs and Volcano now work, but there's still something not
>quite right.
>Speaking of which, if James Fidell is watching, it'd be enormously useful 
>you had the decrypred loader disassembly handy, and also the VIA timer
>values after each decrypted block, so I can see where the VIA timers are
>getting ahead or behind.....</big ask>
>-- Richard Gellman

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