Date : Thu, 17 May 2001 13:03:16 +0200
From : Peter Van Ek <vanekp@...>
Subject: Re: Locked and beyond
Thanks James,
It was in the archives under the following Name:-
RE: [BBC-Micro] More tape to disc transfer fun: Alien 8 <1544.html>
On the 12th of Aug 2000 for anyone else who may be intrested in this info.
The WWW address to access the archives is :-
Thanks again James will be interesting to play with this bit of code.
Regards Peter Van Ek
mailto:vanekp@... <>
-----Original Message-----
From: James Fidell [SMTP:james@...]
Sent: 2001 May Thursday 17 12:27 PM
To: BBC Mailing List
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Locked and beyond
Quoting Peter Van Ek (vanekp@...):
> Rich, I looked through the BBC archives but could not find
> mention of this code from James Fidell in the archives any idea
whie it was,
> I would be interested in this program as I would like to look at
how some of
> this VIA encryption of Kevin Edwards' works as like you I have not
had a lot
> of success in trying to decode it, maybe James can comment as I
know he is
> still around on this mailing list.
Looking through my personal mail archives, I posted it on 12/8/2000.
there's interest, I'll re-post it here, otherwise I'll email it
direct to
I wrote the code a long time ago -- probably when I was 16 or 17, so
1983 or 84, and don't have a clue why some of it does what it does
any more.
In particular, one part appears to be using the MODE 7 screen memory
temporary storage.
(Come to think of it, since someone mentioned the Hobbit the other
I believe I used the MODE 7 screen memory as temporary storage when
converted that from tape to disk, too.)